Dr. Shilpa Gandhi | Leading Consultant Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgeon In Nagpur
Various conditions and disorders can affect the thymus gland, ranging from genetic disorders present at birth to diseases typically seen in adults. These issues include:
Surgery: A thoracic surgeon may remove your tumor. They might also remove affected lymph nodes, thymus, or lung lining if cancer has spread. Surgery is standard for early-stage thymoma. If the entire tumor can’t be safely removed, the surgeon will remove as much as possible to relieve symptoms.
Radiation: A radiation oncologist may use external beam radiation therapy to target the cancer site with X-rays. This treatment can be standalone or combined with chemotherapy and surgery.
Chemotherapy: If your tumor can’t be surgically removed, a hematologist or medical oncologist may prescribe chemotherapy. It can also shrink tumors before surgery or treat recurrent cancer.
Targeted Therapy: If your cancer cells have specific gene mutations, targeted therapy may be used to kill them. This option is available for both thymoma and thymic carcinoma when chemotherapy is ineffective.
Immunotherapy: This treatment boosts your immune system to better identify and destroy cancer cells. It may be used for thymic carcinoma unresponsive to chemotherapy.
Clinical Trial: Clinical trials test new or different cancer treatments for safety and effectiveness. Depending on your cancer type, you may be eligible. Consult your healthcare provider about this option.